
Learn how to test your integration.

Test mode

Test mode allows you to work with test credit cards and mobile money numbers, create test products and prices, and simulate transactions to ensure your integration functions as expected. This feature is designed to help you detect and resolve any bugs or issues in your PayChangu implementation before going live with real payments.

Once you’ve created a PayChangu account, you’ll find a set of test API keys in your PayChangu Dashboard setting page. These keys allow you to generate and retrieve simulated data by interacting with the PayChangu API. To begin accepting real payments, you’ll need to submit your compliance to activate your account, switch off test mode, and update your integration with live API keys.

Test Cards

To simulate a payment via card , use test cards from the following list.

BrandCard NumberTypeCVCDate
VISA4242 4242 4242 42423DS SUCCESSAny 3 digitsAny future date
VISA4000 0000 0000 32203DS TIMEOUTAny 3 digitsAny future date
VISA4000 0000 0000 99953DS INSUFFICIENTAny 3 digitsAny future date
VISA4000 0000 0000 00023DS DECLINEDAny 3 digitsAny future date
MASTERCARD5555 5555 5555 44443DS SUCCESSAny 3 digitsAny future date
MASTERCARD5200 0000 0000 00083DS ERRORAny 3 digitsAny future date


For 3DS use the following OTP: 1234

Mobile Money Test Number

ProviderMobile Number( Without 0 )Type
Airtel Money990000000SUCCESS
Airtel Money990000001FAILED
TNM Mpamba899817565SUCCESS
TNM Mpamba899817566FAILED